Primary Schools

Sport in Schools

Boys playing football

Schools have always been at the heart of children’s sports, with sports day becoming a much loved tradition for pupils and parents. Despite this, physical education has become slightly neglected in recent years, with less hours of PE taking place in schools than at any point in the last decade. To help schools develop an increased awareness of physical literacy, school sports leaders must develop their pupil’s love of sport within the classroom.

To do this, PE teachers should apply evidence from data to their classrooms. Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, teachers should be setting lessons-within-lessons for groups of pupils. If certain pupils excel at gymnastics and others prefer football, tailor lessons accordingly. By applying this approach and measuring the results, you can help your pupils to develop a lifelong love of sport and improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Amaven includes a full suite of measuring tools, which allow you to build a database of your pupil’s abilities, you can use this data to tailor which sport would suit each child’s needs. By taken this evidence led approach, you can ensure that you pupils fulfil their full potential.