Amaven’s Impact Reports Make Sport Premium Funding Simple!

At Amaven, we're truly passionate about sports. In fact, we're gaga for all things 'physical activity,' because we've seen what it can do for young people. As you can imagine, we're also pretty big cheerleaders for PE and Sport Premium Funding.
It's not a perfect system. There are weaknesses: even opportunities to exploit the programme's attempts to increase sport in primary schools. However, at a time when classrooms are crowded and creative subjects becoming expendable, the funds are a lifeline for health based education.
It's why our Healthy Schools Programme offers lots of help with Sport Premium planning, spending, monitoring and submissions. Click for info on Key Features. With Amaven, the data schools need to make and justify spending decisions gets organically collected, as part of games, challenges, activities, wellbeing events and more.
We make it easy because we know PE funding = good. Jumping through funding hoops = time consuming and, often, pernickety. After news of primary schools 'fudging' the Sport Premium with inaccurate reports, there's clearly a need for reliable, responsive physical activity measures and monitoring systems. Click for more on this story.
It's okay to care more about the impact than the admin. However, to maximise the impact of YOUR Sport Premium, you need detailed accounts of physical activity at your school. And they must show progress in five key areas:
1. Ensure All Pupils Are Active in School
2. Promote & Celebrate Physical Activity
3. Offer Upskilling to PE & Sports Staff
4. Provide Varied Sports Opportunities
5. Increase Participation in Competitive Sport
In April, schools in receipt of PE and Sport Premium Funding must publish an account of spending. The government audits a sample of these reports. If funds are used incorrectly, OFSTED includes details in its inspection documents.
Here's how the Amaven Healthy Schools Programme can support you:
Health & Fitness Monitoring
The Healthy Schools Programme is a digital data and resource platform. It monitors pupil health and wellbeing (via school generated data) and delivers exclusive learning content all year round. As teachers employ our resources, they create an ongoing record of attainment in sports and physical activities.
Every score, grade, trial or idea that gets recorded contributes to your account of physical activity and its weaknesses, strengths, investment opportunities and more. Want to know how to spend your Sport Premium? The answers are here.
'OFSTED Friendly' Impact Reports
The Healthy Schools Programme does more than monitor. Using data from your portal, we can create the reports you need to fulfil funding requirements. Schools retain control of all content but have the option to create reports from scratch or submit prefilled Impact Reports.
Our Impact Reports are OFSTED friendly. They can be uploaded direct to your school website as part of the April spending report. You decide how much extra info to add to each 'submission ready' upload. We encourage schools to fully personalise reports. Our goal is to reduce admin work by providing the basis for a high quality submission.
Click to see our Impact Reports.
The Amaven Healthy Schools Programme is FREE for eight weeks. Give it a try, no strings attached.* Just fill out the form below to take the first step!
*Schools are under no obligation to purchase Amaven content, tools or resources after this trial period.
Join Our Healthy Schools Programme for FREE!
We want every child to feel healthy, be active and live life to the full! It's why we launched the Amaven Healthy Schools Programme.
It aims to increase physical activity in schools and provide pupils with a deeper understanding of fitness, movement, healthy eating, emotional wellbeing and more. Alongside FREE access to Amaven software, you'll receive:
- Wellness Kickstart Day Hosted by Amaven Coaches
- Onsite and Online CPD for Teachers
- Impact Reports for Evidencing PE Spending
- Exclusive Lesson Plans & Resources
- Personalised Home Activities for Pupils
- Bespoke Health & Wellbeing Strategy