A Week In Brief - Your Healthy Schools Programme
This week, we're monitoring health advice on the coronavirus, getting to grips with new Mini Yo! sessions and learning the brilliance of balance!
Here's what to look out for this week:
Free Resource - Refocusing Activities 3
Free members can now watch two of our new Mini Yo! 'Relax and Refocus' sessions. Log in to your account to watch movement sessions designed to relax, refocus and prepare pupils for learning.
> Get it from the Resources page from Monday 2nd.
Teacher Resource - PE Skills Guide: Static Balancing (KS1)
This teaching and assessment guide for static balance skills covers KPIs, learning phases, development benchmarks and progression ideas for KS1 pupils trying to learn how to perform a static balance.
> Get it from premium portals and/or wellness bulletins from Tuesday 3rd.
NEW AND IMPROVED CONTENT - Dance Videos & Athletics Lessons
Dance videos on premium portals have been updated to further improve the quality of your classroom movement sessions.
We've also redesigned all 20+ Athletics Lessons in the PE Lessons section.
Keep an eye out for more changes to the content currently available on your school's portal. We're busy making more improvements!
> Available on premium portals now.
What Do I Need to Know This Week?
PM Says: The UK Is Well Prepared to Fight the Coronavirus
Coronavirus continues to dominate headlines as the government draws up plans for a potential pandemic. While some schools are voluntarily closing, Public Health England maintains its advice to continue with normal teaching routines UNLESS there are specific concerns relating to the school's population or local community.
If you have concerns relating to the Healthy Schools Programme and/or a scheduled visit to your school, please call us on +44 (0) 161 300 9172.
WHO says: Proper Hand Hygiene Still the Best Way to Prevent Epidemics
If you're wondering what you can do to help contain the spread of coronavirus, the WHO advises regular and thorough hand washing with soap and water. It says this remains the best way to avoid contracting any viral infection.
Even 'Light' Physical Activity Linked to Better Mental Health for Teens
According to a new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry, even relatively 'light' physical activity (non-intensive) is associated with better mental health as children enter adolescence.