Stoking the Olympic flame

It was reported in The Independent last week that last year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow have failed to make much impact on the amount of physical activity undertaken by the Scottish. Only one per cent of adults in Scotland claimed to be taking part in more sport or physical activity as a result of the Games, according to the Scottish Health Survey. The Minister for Public Health at the Scottish Government, Maureen Watt said that the survey’s results proved there was ‘still work to be done’ to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles.
This latest development echoes the perceived failure of London’s 2012 Olympics legacy – inciting more young people into playing sport and adopting healthier lifestyles.
So what’s the common factor here? Is it simply an accelerated dropoff rate due to the shine of major events like the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games wearing off? Or is it the failure of sporting bodies to use the events as effective hooks to really excite the people they engage or have a real impact on their lives?
The Rugby World Cup is currently taking the lead in most sports media coverage, inspiring swathes of new rugby enthusiasts and The Rugby Football Union will be working this opportunity to reach its widest audience and get children moving on pitches around the UK.
Big events provide great capital to generate interest in sport. The real challenge though, is keeping that fire lit. With Amaven, we think about the way our coaches or trainers can improve the lives of their clients. Rather than telling people about the benefits of sports or fitness, we show them. Get them to take part, help them recognise the impact on their mental and physical health and wellbeing, and the rest will follow.