Grab Your Chance to Get Active for FREE on National Fitness Day!
Today is National Fitness Day! But you already know that. You've looked forward to it all year, right? Got your favourite gym kit ready? Washed your trainers? Lunged round the garden to warm up those muscles?
No? Just us then.
In all seriousness, National Fitness Day is one of the best opportunities for better health and wellbeing in 2018. It's a day when gyms, sports halls and fitness centres across the country throw open their doors for FREE.
That's right. For today only (26th Sept), you can swim, lift weights, shoot hoops, downward dog, kettlebell swing, Nordic walk and lots more for free. Whether you're seven, seventeen or seventy free, it's a chance to get active and try something new.
While it'd be a dull world if we all looked the same, being overweight is a major health risk. If you weigh more than advised (for your height and age), the time for change is now. You don't need a Hollywood bod. Just tweak the one you've got.
Feed it better. Move it more. Love it and live healthy.
If you don't know where to start, National Fitness Day is for you. Click here to open the location finder. Enter your postcode and browse a list of free activities in your town.
There's opportunities for young 'uns too. So, get the family involved. Can you hit the 60min target for daily physical activity? It reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, bone dysfunctions and more.
What are you waiting for? Blag a free gym pass or yoga class. Activate your week.
Follow us at @AmavenHealth or @MyAmaven for advice on improving health and wellbeing at all ages.