Impact, Evidence, Evolve
Can schools use PE and Sport Premium funding to invest in the Healthy Schools Programme?View more >
Impact Reports for Health and Wellbeing
Use our Impact Reports to identify strengths and weaknesses within your school's health and wellbeing curriculum.View more >
'Twas the Night Before Christmas...
Amaven wishes you a very merry Christmas with our festive poem & accompanying EY PE Lesson Plan.View more >
How to Be Surf Smart & Search Savvy
Mobile devices make staying safe online an important issue for young people of all ages.View more >
Refocusing Activities 2
Mindfulness learning and activities support attitudes which contribute to a happy and successful life.View more >
Celebrate China's Year of the Rat!
Celebrate the Year of the Rat by learning how to count to five in Chinese!View more >
Get Sporty On Schools' Football Week
Schools' Football Week highlights the popularity and potential of the sport when played competitively in schools.View more >
The Hopping Test
Hopping is a continuous rhythmic skill and an indicator of balance and leg strength.View more >
The Sit & Reach Challenge
Flexibility increases range of motion and enables the body to safely tolerate physical impacts, efforts and exertions.View more >