Personal trainer

One for all: Accessing the personal trainer market

Man using Amaven on a tablet

Personal trainers don’t come cheap. It’s a specialist service, predominantly offered on a one-to-one basis, which has traditionally been enjoyed by celebrities, the very rich and the comfortably well off alike.

The accessibility of the industry has moved on somewhat in the last decade fuelled by a number of factors. At some point Britain took great strides to become classless and those with a bit of money started to do things that were once the preserve of those with a lot of money eg. having various invasive beauty treatments and securing the services of a personal trainer.

Our relationship with celebrity also got blurred along the way. There are plenty of low-level celebrities now out there, created by reality television and given oxygen by a range of magazine titles and online news sites. We see what they have, we see that they’re just like us and we want what they have too – including the personal trainer.

When the recession hit and clients were in a position where they had to consider cutting costs, another trend emerged which has added to the industry’s accessibility – shared training. Clients have opted to split the costs by training with a friend or with more than one person in a small group. The personal trainers have benefitted from this approach, plugging gaps by marketing their services to small and exclusive groups with the reduced rate per body adding up to a greater amount overall when applied to two or three in one go.

Personal trainers, like counsellors, are, of course, limited by time. There are only so many working hours and so what they earn becomes a finite amount with the exception of a few shared sessions. There is limited accessibility both for the trainers in terms of the amount of clients they can share their services with and for those potential clients for who it still remains too big a commitment, both financially and when counting up time.

All this is now set to change…

Amaven is introducing its online physical fitness management system to the personal trainer market, allowing personal trainers to work with a limitless amount of clients while still offering a personal service to every single one of them.

For the clients, once the initial assessment meeting has been kept, they can complete their own personal fitness programmes, as and when they want, in the comfort of their own homes and at an affordable cost. It’s the solution to suit all parties and it opens up the market to a much wider audience.

The personalised programmes that will be developed for each individual client will be based on actual metrics and personal goals. These will be measured throughout and, as the clients move on in phases, with reports given to recommend the levels of exercise, covering the complexity and intensity of each level.

By tracking progression and achieving results, Amaven aims to retain clients for longer periods of time with the trainers benefitting from the revenue from clients’ testing sessions. It’s a functional, easy and affordable system. Designed to appeal to those who want the benefits that a personal trainer can offer without the constraints of set appointment times and the higher costs, this simple platform is set to revolutionise the market as we know it.