Making PE Lessons Fun
One of the biggest challenges faced by PE teachers is keeping physical activities fun and engaging for pupils. There often stories in the news about the ‘gamification’ of dull tasks in everyday life (adding an element of fun or challenge to these tasks to make them more enjoyable). Teachers should be taking note as studies show that by applying these techniques to teaching and learning, students are better to retain the information and improve their abilities.
PE is the perfect lesson to introduce elements of ‘gamification’, as the activities covered are games themselves. Teachers simply need to add a tangible achievements system to reward children who do well and help children who start to fall behind. Amaven is the perfect tool for adding a reward system to your PE lessons. You can use Amaven to show pupil’s how much they've progressed over a term or a year. Amaven tracks four key areas and provides an overall Physical literacy score:
- Movement
- Participation
- Fitness
- Understanding
Amaven provides graphs and statistics for each pupil, each class and the whole school.