Primary Schools

Sport Premium Funding Is Doubling: What Does It Mean for Your School?

Teacher stood with group of girls and football

The government has promised to increase Sport Premium Funding for primary schools in the UK. From September, the annual sum will total $320million, instead of the $160million previously awarded.

With the new system, every school gets a flat rate sum of £16,000, with a further £10 per pupil.

The money is intended for investment in school sports and physical education programmes only. It means there are specific rules regarding spending.

For instance, teachers cannot use the money to outsource lesson planning and assessment. However, the government encourages investment in professional development, mentoring, and training resources.

Schools may also hire sports coaches to help them deliver more effective PE lessons.

Click here to read about the spending rules for Sports Premium Funding 2017-18. 

The Payment Schedule

• Schools with 17 or more pupils are entitled to £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per registered student. 

The payment system and schedule will not change. Schools are due to receive 7/12th of the funding in Oct/Nov and the remaining 5/12ths in April/May 2018. 

The Requirements 

So, what does this mean for YOUR school? Well, thankfully, little will change apart from the size of the funding allocation.

You are still required to publish a Sport Premium Funding report. This breaks down spending – be it on gym equipment or staff for sports clubs – and shows the government what you’re doing to increase physical literacy across the board.

The report should be highly visible and available to teachers, parents, governors, and OFSTED officials. Publish it on your website.

Click the link below to see what a Sport Premium Funding report should look like.  

Example Report 

The Spending 

The big question is, what should you buy with all this lovely funding?

In truth, the options for investment are broad. However, OFSTED is keen to get schools spending on the following things:

Upskill Teachers with CPD

This is a big priority for the government. New research is reinforcing the link between physical fitness and academic performance. We now know the quality of PE lessons affects behaviour and ability in all other subjects.   

PE teachers must have an evolving awareness of physical literacy and its impact on learning. Schools are encouraged to use third party consultants like Amaven for advice, support, and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities.  

Introduce New Sports

The government is also keen on investment in new sports. At primary school age, kids are exploring their physical abilities for the first time. They must be exposed to a broad variety of options and activities.

If a child can’t excel at football or rugby, they should be given a chance to shine at gymnastics, trampolining, or squash. With Sport Premium Funding extended, you’ve got the cash to spend on sports equipment, staff training, competitions, after school clubs, and more.

Provide Support to Parents

The target for children aged 5-17 years is sixty minutes of activity per day. This should involve physical exertion both in school and at home. The government considers it your responsibility to make sure students meet the objective.

It isn’t always easy, but investment in extracurricular sports, home activity plans, and competitive teams is a great way to keep kids moving. In Sports Premium Funding schools, mentoring goes beyond the sports hall. 

Getting Sports Funding Right with Amaven

Amaven is an expert when it comes to physical education and sports funding in schools.

Our coaches and fitness consultants can help you create impact reports, improve teaching, set up sports clubs, and make your money go further.

Click here to learn more about the support we provide to primary schools.

Or, fill in the form below to sign up for our Healthy Schools Programme. Joining gives you access to an innovative piece of software designed for tracking and monitoring physical literacy levels in your school. 

Join Our Healthy Schools Programme for FREE!

We want every child to feel healthy, be active and live life to the full! It's why we launched the Amaven Healthy Schools Programme.

It aims to increase physical activity in schools and provide pupils with a deeper understanding of fitness, movement, healthy eating, emotional wellbeing and more. Alongside FREE access to Amaven software, you'll receive:

  • Wellness Kickstart Day Hosted by Amaven Coaches
  • Onsite and Online CPD for Teachers
  • Impact Reports for Evidencing PE Spending
  • Exclusive Lesson Plans & Resources 
  • Personalised Home Activities for Pupils
  • Bespoke Health & Wellbeing Strategy


Join our Healthy Schools Programme

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