School Sports Premium Renewed
We are delighted to receive confirmation that the PE and School Sport Premium Fund is to continue for 2021/2022. Not only will every school receive the same level of funding as they have done in 2020/2021, but any of the current fund that has not been spent CAN ROLL OVER INTO NEXT YEAR.
This will ensure that all children will continue to benefit from high quality and outstanding Physical Education and School Sport opportunities next year, whilst allowing schools to ‘build back better’ after the pandemic!
Schools will also be able to carry over funds from this year, to help prioritise the long-term physical recovery of all children who may have seen their levels of activity disrupted, due to the restrictions placed on the UK due to Covid-19.
How to use the PE and School Sports Premium
The main use of the PE and School Sports Premium remains the same as it has since 2013, however comments from the Schools Minister and AfPE all relate to Sport and Physical Activity being a priority and central to the long-term recovery from Covid-19 and the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, has stated during today’s announcement that:
“Children’s physical health has never been more important, and I am proud that this investment will build on our actions across government to support this activity”
Further comments from Tom Hollingsworth (CEO of Sport England) have also, linked this fund to Health and Wellbeing, he stated that:
"After a year of significant disruption to children’s activity levels and schooling, a high-quality PE and sport offer, boosting their health and wellbeing, has never been more important.”
We can assume that there will be greater scrutiny will be placed on the impact of this spend in the future to ensure that we are not only upskilling our children but having a really positive impact on their health, mental health and wellbeing.
The funding should be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of their Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. Schools should use the funding to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators:
- Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
- Profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- Increased participation in competitive sport
- PPA Arrangements
- To Teach the minimum requirements of curriculum PE (it must broaden your existing offer)
- To fund capital expenditure
Schools are expected to spend the grant for the purpose it was provided only – to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity offered.
Schools will also be required produce an online report for their school website by the 31st July outlining how the Fund has been used. (Please note, that despite the Coronavirus disruption, you must still produce a report for this year). Each report should include.
Exact amount of premium received
- A full breakdown on how it has been spent
- The impact the school has witnessed on the pupils PESSPA in regard to participation and attainment
- How to ensure these improvements are sustainable
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
- Use a range of strokes effectively
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
The reporting process may seem challenging, but it is very important that we provide the children with the greatest opportunity to succeed and lead a healthy, happy, life. Our healthy schools programme also includes an easy-to-use reporting feature, to make school accountability a simple and straight forward task!
- For most schools, it is easy to work out how much you will receive to have an impact on your children.
- Schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils receive £1,000 per pupil.
- Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.
- Remember – any funding that you have not spent this year, will roll on to next year too!
Over the past few years, many of our partner schools have been through the Ofsted experience, and have outlined during inspection that they use our Healthy Schools Programme to support with the 5 key indicators mentioned above in the following ways.
- We provide all schools with PE Lesson Planning, Dance Sessions, Yoga, Movement of the Day and Assessment Activities - we even have home activities for EVERY CHILD
- Our Challenge Days (that can be run by teachers internally) incentivise the children to take ownership of their own improvements, whilst encouraging a lifelong love of sport
- Through Ongoing Support and Online CPD we can support the development of your teaching team in a sustainable, cost effective manner
- Our fully inclusive lesson planning makes it easier for teachers to deliver activities to broaden the offer to children
- All our lesson plans include meaningful competition, but by tracking the impact and participation of children online, it is easy to pick school teams, and spot opportunities!
We even support schools with an inclusive library of Health and Wellbeing Resources that are designed to meet the criteria highlighted in the PSHE Associations Programme of study.
If you would like to know more about how we can help improve Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity for your school, or you just need some expert advice, please contact +44 (0) 161 300 9172 or email us at
Want to become a better Athlete?
Our Sports Apps below can help
Stength and Conditioning Platform for Clubs and Academies
Our Total S&C platform helps coaches to deliver a LTAD and S&C programme efficiently to a large number of athletes across all age groups playing different sports.
Our Strength & Conditioning platform consists of a Portal for the coaching team, enabling them to modify training sessions, monitor players training history, input test results and identify players who are sports ready. The athletes are provided their own S&C Player App which allows them to take control of their own training, self-test, log exercise history and track progress.
We get athletes sport ready. We reduce overuse injuries and burn out. We help to develop independent and healthy athletes.
- Automated session generator saves time
- Monitor athlete adherence and progress
- Online management portal for coaches
- Training App for all athletes
- Testing and profiling to identify sport readiness
The Total Football App, is designed to support players of all ages and skill levels. It is the only Football Coaching App that integrates 5 phases of skill acquisition and long-term athletic development, meaning that all sessions and activities are designed to meet your current skill level whether you are just starting out, or are an experienced academy player. All our turning sessions are designed by UEFA Qualified Coaches and are supported by further sessions in:
Ensuring that players aren’t just practicing but are practicing with the highest quality. We also have a range of physical development practices, healthy lifestyle sessions, and psychological tips to help develop the total footballer. If your child needs help developing their turning, or any part of their game, you can try the app for free now!