The Greatest Show!

The past 18 months has seen lots of changes, however, the return of major sport events and events with fans this summer has been truly inspirational and has shown us how much we have really missed them.
Recently, the return of fans to the English Football, the European Championships, Wimbledon… it really has been a festival of sport that have displayed the technical, tactical, physical and psychological skills of the world’s best. However, as you may have guessed from previous blogs, in our opinion, nothing comes close to the thrill of the Olympic and Paralympic Games – The Greatest Sporting Show on the planet!
Watching so many athletes from so many different backgrounds and cultures in such a rich variety of sporting events is an incredible sight, but it also displays the hard work that is required to make it to the very top and the emotion involved with dedicating your life to becoming the very best.
We have been so inspired by the Olympics and Paralympics this summer; we have dedicated a summer to encouraging individuals to stay active through a series of Olympic Themed Challenges.
Missed out? Don’t worry, we have recapped our summer challenges below and included the details of the Olympic and Paralympic Values attached as they highlight the importance of sport and how these values can transcend into day-to-day life.
“Athletes must seek to both give and do their best. The aim is not just to win, but above all to improve”
Challenge: Log into your Total Sport App, take your Skills Challenges and enter your scores on the app – not on the app yet, download it here!
“Indispensable for promoting harmony and understanding between people”
Challenge: find a friend or a family member and train together at least twice this week and share your training pictures with us @myamaven
“As all people are equal, everyone is entitled to respect”
Challenge: TRY FENCING! Have a search online for some of the rules of the sport or even watch it at the Olympics and give it a go! You don’t need the equipment to try the basics – play a tag/touch game with your friends and family – remember to show respect by saluting at the start of each duel!
“It encompasses the unique spirit of the Paralympic athlete who seeks to accomplish what the general public deems unexpected, but what the athlete knows as a truth.
Challenge: TRY SOMETHING NEW! This could be anything, why not try a new food, a piece of fruit you’ve not tried before, maybe try a new activity in your garden or the park, or maybe try a new sport by attending a class this week. Give it a go and if you are stuck for ideas, have a look on your app and try training in a slightly different way.
“The manifestation of the idea that Paralympic athletes push their physical ability to the absolute limit.”
Challenge: Set yourself an achievable, but challenging goal – keep practicing until you achieve it. E.g. Improve your keepy-up score for keeping a ball off the floor by 5!
“When intense and personal affection is begotten from the stories and accomplishments of Paralympic athletes, and the effect is applying this spirit to one's personal life.”
Challenge: Watch some of the Paralympics, find something you find inspirational, incredible and try it out for yourself with the help of your friends and family – safely!!
“Paralympic Sport acts as an agent for change to break down social barriers of discrimination for persons with an impairment.”
Challenge: Log in to the app, take your challenges again (just like week 1) and see if your scores have improved throughout the summer. Remember everyone can have an off day, but keeping an eye on your progress can be really useful in the long run.
We have been inspired by the Olympics this year and we hope you have too (and enjoyed these challenges), remember, being active as often as you can help improve your mood, develop fitness and increase physical skills – along with hopefully leading to a life ling love of sport and activity.
If you have ambitions of unlocking your potential, it may take some time and a lot of hard work, however we are here to help you with both. Check out the details below to find out how.
Want to become a better Athlete?
Our Sports Apps below can help
Stength and Conditioning Platform for Clubs and Academies
Our Total S&C platform helps coaches to deliver a LTAD and S&C programme efficiently to a large number of athletes across all age groups playing different sports.
Our Strength & Conditioning platform consists of a Portal for the coaching team, enabling them to modify training sessions, monitor players training history, input test results and identify players who are sports ready. The athletes are provided their own S&C Player App which allows them to take control of their own training, self-test, log exercise history and track progress.
We get athletes sport ready. We reduce overuse injuries and burn out. We help to develop independent and healthy athletes.
- Automated session generator saves time
- Monitor athlete adherence and progress
- Online management portal for coaches
- Training App for all athletes
- Testing and profiling to identify sport readiness
The Total Football App, is designed to support players of all ages and skill levels. It is the only Football Coaching App that integrates 5 phases of skill acquisition and long-term athletic development, meaning that all sessions and activities are designed to meet your current skill level whether you are just starting out, or are an experienced academy player. All our turning sessions are designed by UEFA Qualified Coaches and are supported by further sessions in:
Ensuring that players aren’t just practicing but are practicing with the highest quality. We also have a range of physical development practices, healthy lifestyle sessions, and psychological tips to help develop the total footballer. If your child needs help developing their turning, or any part of their game, you can try the app for free now!
Improve Fitness and Develop Sports Skills
The Total Sport App allows children to access fun and exciting activities that will help improve fitness, develop sports skills and increase confidence.
- Develop Fundamental Movement Skills, such as Agility, Balance and Coordination
- Learn new sports skills, dance and yoga
- Improve overall wellbeing and fitness
- Understand emotional wellbeing
The Total Sport App is completely branded to you school and fully maintained by us. We provide new drills each week to improve Speed, Strength, Power, Agility and Endurance, and provide long-term support for parents and players via training session developed by our experienced team of experts